Friday, June 20, 2008

Intellectual plagiarism.....

In this day and age, a certain amount of plagiarism is done. I know it's always been there, looming in the background like the dirty little secret it is, but it's just life. Usually, I can excuse it, so long as it is just the bare information stripped down and COMPLETELY rewritten (much like a school paper would be). I've done it, others do it, it's done. When I do it though, it's called RESEARCH - I treat the information like a term paper. I strip the info down to the barest facts, make an outline, and then completely rewrite everything from top to bottom. But when an idea is stolen, it irks me.

I found out the other day that a local "designer" stole my idea to put in a "no offshore work" statement. They even went so far as using the "Think Globally, Act Locally" quote I used. I know this is outright intellectual plagiarism as I did quite a bit of research when I thought up the idea myself, years ago (it was previously posted on and searched a number of engines, nationally for anyone else touting the concept. None found. I'm not saying the concept in itself is completely unique as there is a growing anti-outsourcing sentiment in the design community, but to actually state in no uncertain terms that you do not and would not ever outsource offshore, on your companies site, seems to have been a unique concept.

I was quite proud of my ability to claim this and knew it helped me stand apart from most of the crowd. Now, while searching for local design companies (just to see what my ranking was), I came across a local "company" with a blatantly stripped down copy of my statement, Oh sure, they condensed it and rewrote it, but they still STOLE my idea. If it wasn't for the fact that have such a horribly designed site, I would probably make a bit of a stink. Instead, I will just vent here about the evils of intellectual plagiarism.

In the event that the designer in queston ever sees this Blog, I have something to say to you..... Grow a brain and think up your own ideas. If that's not possible, at least don't be so freaking obvious the next time you steal other peoples ideas.

Ok, I feel better now. Remember it's one thing to RESEARCH common information and then completely rewrite it for your needs, it is another thing entirely to STEAL a unique idea and claim it as your own.

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